The Grass is Greener?

Gen Z-ers off to Portugal. The opportunities in foreign lands for young people.


Andrea Campbell

3/27/20245 min read

green grass field during sunset
green grass field during sunset

As I perused the news pages online this week, I bumped into an article by Business Insider titled: Gen Zer moved from the US to Portugal for a cheaper life and a better career. I recall my first visit to Portugal several years ago and how interesting it was. I remember going to dinner in Lisbon with my friend and finding that the water was more expensive than the wine! My recent visit to the Algarve was pleasant, but the wine was no longer cheaper.

So why is a move to Portugal a viable option for Gen Z-ers?

In a world more interconnected than ever, the traditional notion of settling down in one place for your entire life is becoming increasingly outdated. Today, more and more young people are realizing the value of having an open mind regarding where they live and the careers they pursue. The story of Amani, a Gen Z-er who moved from the US to Portugal in search of a cheaper life and better career opportunities, is a perfect example of this evolving mindset.

Amani's decision to uproot and move to Portugal was carefully calculated based on various factors, including cost of living, quality of life, and career prospects. By being open to the idea of living in a different country, she could not only save money but also explore new career opportunities that may not have been available back home. This is why young people should embrace the world and keep an open mind about where they live and work.

The Value of Embracing New Cultures

One of the key benefits of having an open mind about where you live is the ability to experience different cultures and ways of life. Living in a new country exposes you to diverse perspectives, customs, and traditions, which can broaden your horizons and enrich your life in ways you never thought possible. It allows you to step outside your comfort zone and embrace the unknown, fostering personal growth and self-discovery.

Learning a new language is a transferable skill that will prepare you for many opportunities. I moved from the Caribbean to Mexico in my 20s, a move made possible because of the career I was pursuing. I lived in that city for over five years, and it was a wonderful experience, opening my eyes to the knowledge I could not have acquired in the classrooms. When I left Mexico, you couldn't tell I was not Mexican if you had heard me speak Spanish. Being open to feeling fearful and failing are skills that, though uncomfortable, will empower us to embark on new heights inaccessible in our comfort zones.

Being open to different career paths can open doors to unexpected opportunities and growth. Flexibility and adaptability are essential for success in today's rapidly evolving job market. By exploring varying career options and industries, young people can gain valuable experience and skills that can set them apart in a competitive job market. Like Amani, who found new career opportunities in Portugal that aligned with her interests and goals, keeping an open mind can lead to fulfilling and rewarding career paths.

A Paradigm Shift

It's important to acknowledge that moving to a new country or pursuing a different career path isn't without its challenges. The courage to relocate requires a paradigm shift in your mindset, one that fosters bravery, resilience, and a willingness to embrace uncertainty. There may be language barriers, cultural differences to understand, and professional hurdles to face. But we often grow and learn the most about ourselves and the world around us through facing these challenges head-on.

Fortunately, we live in an era where technology has made it easier to connect with people from all corners of the globe and access information about different countries and career opportunities. Whether through social media, online job platforms, or networking events, young people have more resources to explore their options and make informed decisions about their future.

Amani's story serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of keeping an open mind regarding where we live and the careers we pursue. By being open to new experiences, embracing change, and stepping outside our comfort zones, we can discover new opportunities, grow as individuals, and lead more fulfilling lives. So, whether it's moving to a new country or exploring a different career path, let's embrace the world with open arms and see where it takes us. After all, the possibilities are endless when we dare to dream and explore beyond the familiar.

The Business Perspective

Relocating is not limited to individuals; it can have significant implications for business entities. Whether it's a small startup or a large multinational corporation, the decision to move to a different location can impact various aspects of the business, including operations, finances, and growth opportunities.

One of the primary reasons businesses choose to relocate is to access new markets and expand their customer base. Moving to a different city, region, or country can provide access to untapped markets, new demographics, and potential clients or customers. This expansion can lead to increased sales, revenue growth, and overall business success.

Similarly, relocating can help businesses attract top talent and access a larger pool of skilled workers. Specific locations may have a more favorable business environment, including lower taxes, better infrastructure, and a more supportive regulatory framework. By relocating to these areas, businesses can attract talented employees who drive innovation, productivity, and competitiveness.

Relocating can also lead to cost savings for businesses. This is particularly true in cases where the cost of living or operating expenses are lower in the new location compared to the current one. Businesses can improve their bottom line and allocate resources more efficiently by reducing overhead costs such as rent, utilities, and salaries.

However, it's important to recognize that relocating also comes with challenges and risks. Businesses may face disruptions to their operations during relocation, including logistical issues, supply chain disruptions, and potential loss of customers or clients. Furthermore, the new location's cultural differences, regulatory requirements, and market dynamics may require businesses to adapt their strategies and operations accordingly.


The decision to relocate is a strategic one that requires careful planning, analysis, and consideration of various factors. While it can offer opportunities for growth and expansion, businesses must weigh the potential benefits against the associated costs and risks. By conducting thorough research, assessing the potential impact on operations and finances, and developing a comprehensive relocation strategy, individuals and businesses can position themselves for success in their new location.

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